Thursday, 19 November 2015

The Shepherds – God doesn’t always do what you expect

Based on the story of the Shepherds at the time of the birth of Christ and the fact that by God calling these men, who lets be honest in the worlds eyes weren’t the most important people around, God doesn’t always do what you expect.
The sketch has been written for a minimum of:
·         4 Shepherds – Are normal working class lads.
·         2 Angels – Speak throughout in loud dramatic voices.
If you want to get more people involved you can use some extras simply as walk on roles.

Shepherds are sat in a line warming their hands against a fire, or drinking out of mugs. One has a bucket in front of him which he keeps dipping his hands into and rubbing whatever is in there together to try and get clean. He actually has socks in the bucket but these should not be revealed until later.

The 2 Angels walk on behind the shepherds and Angel 1 nods knowingly to the other as they walk across the stage and stop on the other side to say the following...

Angel 1
And the time came, while Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem, for the baby to be born.

Angel 2
As it was written Mary gave birth to her firstborn, a son.

Angel 1
Now there were shepherds living out in the fields near by, keeping watch over their flocks at night.

Angel 2
Whilst the Angels (Pause dramatically and sweep arms towards the shepherds) watched over the shepherds.

Angel 1
And though, verily, I say unto you, it was a bit nippy.

I’m really cold. Aren’t you?

Not really. Oh no look what I’ve done (Lifts up a pair of grey socks out of a saucepan) I've washed all the colour out of my socks.

What colour were they to begin with?



Yeh, like my hands. Aren't you two cold?

(Ignoring) What temperature was the water you used to wash them in? Temperature can make all the difference you know.

About 40 degrees, that’s about right isn’t it?

(Shepherd tands up calling to God) LORD, PLEASE WARM ME UP

(All look at shepherd 1)

Shepherd 3
What are you doing?

Shepherd 1
Asking God to warm me up.

Shepherd 2
Asking God to warm you up? What makes you think God will turn up here and make you warm.

Shepherd 3
You’re just an insignificant shepherd on a hill. What makes you think God has time for the likes of you?

Shepherd 4
God doesn't always do what you expect.

(All stop and turn to look at Shepherd 4)

Shepherd 2
What are you on about?

Shepherd 4
God doesn’t always do what you expect.

Shepherd 1
Yes that’s right. Why shouldn't he come down and make me warm. God doesn't always do what you expect.

(Awkward silence)

Shepherd 3
You’re right though - It is a bit nippy.

Shepherd 1
(Starts to hop from leg to leg as he wants to go to the toilet)
All this cold air...well its gone straight to my err…I’ve got to go. (He runs off the stage with knees together)

Shepherd 4
Go where?

Shepherd 2
Let’s just say a bush is being nurtured!

All Shepherds

(All go back to what they were doing)

Angel 1
And then suddenly we, the Angels of the Lord, appeared to them, and the glory of God shone around them and they were terrified.

Angel 2
The Shepherds were terrified not the angels… obviously (Shepherds shake/be terrified). So we said to them…

Angel 1
We bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.

Angel 2
Today in the town of David a saviour has been born to you; He is Christ the lord.

(Shepherds go down on knees, heads bowed in humble prayers)

Angel 1
Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the Angels praising God and saying…

(Shepherds prostrate themselves and if you have them available bring more Angels on)

Angel 1 & 2 plus others if available
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favour rests.

Angel 1
And then the Angelic host left them and when they had gone the shepherd said.......

(Shepherd 1 comes back on at this point)

Shepherd 1
What are you lot doing laying down there.

(All the shepherds get up and are very excited)

Shepherd 4
The Angel of the Lord has appeared to us.

Shepherd 2
He did, He did. It was amazing.

Shepherd 3
It was, it was… wow….

Shepherd 4
He told us a saviour has been born today in the town of Bethlehem.

Shepherd 1
An Angel told you that did he? (Picks up a mug and sniffs it) What have you been drinking?

Shepherd 4
(Continuing) and they said he is Christ the Lord.

Shepherd 1
And then I suppose even more appeared and started singing.

Shepherd 2
Yes, they did. You heard it to?

Shepherd 2, 3 & 4
(All excitedly speak over one another saying how amazing, exciting, wonderful, scary awesome, and ‘did you see the big one in the middle’ etc)

Shepherd 1
(Shaking head then suddenly shouts to stop interrupt the hubbub)
LOOK! (Then calmer) You really expect me to believe that God sent his Angels to a few insignificant men on a hill.


Shepherd 4
Look, we did say earlier God doesn't always do what you expect.

Shepherd 1
OK prove it. Take me to the saviour.

(Then all except Shepherd 1 get up and start walking off)

Shepherd 1
What’s up? where are you going

To prove it. (Leave the stage)

Shepherd 1
What? Really? You’re going! Well hold on then, wait for me. Watch out don’t go near that bush. Oh sorry (runs off after the shepherds).

Angel 1
Accordingly they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph and their saviour, a baby lying in a manger.

Angel 2
And when they had seen Him they spread the word concerning all they had been told about this child.

Angel 1
Thus we now find the Shepherds returning to their flock

Angel 2
As a consequence of their experience they are glorifying God and praising God for all the things they have heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

Angel 2
Verily…(pause) As they had been told by us (smiles)

Angel 2
Verily indeed. (Pause and smiles back) Yep, we told em!

(Shepherds come back on, all a bit dazed and in awe of what they have seen)

Shepherd 1
WOW, that was amazing. We have seen our saviour. So beautiful.

Shepherd 2
Praise God

Shepherd 3

Shepherd 1
Who would have believed it? Of all the people God could have told he chose to tell us.

Shepherd 4
It’s good isn’t it? It’s exactly what we were saying earlier.

(All turn to look at the Shepherd 4)

Shepherd 4
God doesn't always do what you expect.

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